Role of Jalukaavcharana in Mukh Dushika (Acne Vulgaris)


  • Girdhar Gopal Sharma Lecturer, Maulik siddhant dep., Govt. Ayurveda mahavidya, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur. Author
  • Jyoti Khandelwa Associate Professor, Agad Tantra And Vidhi V. Dept., S.S.S.B. Ayurveda College, Mundiagarh, Renwal, Jaipur Author



Jalukaavcharana, Raktmokshana, Mukhdushika


More than 90% of the world's population has experienced acne at some point in  their lives, making it a fairly prevalent medical disease. Acne vulgaris is the most  prevalent type of acne, accounting for 99 percent of all instances. Mukhdushika,  which is produced by vitiated Kapha, Vata, and Rakta, is described in Ayurvedic  scriptures in a way that is similar to acne vulgaris in modern medicine. Ayurvedic  texts mention raktmokshana (bloodletting) as the primary method of treatment for  raktaja and dermatological conditions. Jalaukawacharana is the preferred method  of bloodletting in Sukumara, according to Acharya Susruta (tender nature person).  As a bio-purifying technique, jalaukawacharana eliminates deeply ingrained  pollutants by releasing blood, removing Srotasa, and calming vitiated Doha.  Jalaukawacharana is highly effective in terms of its purifying and therapeutic  effects. Important components of leech secretions include Destabilase, Bdellin,  Histamine, Hyaluronidase, Fibrinases, and Collagenase, which have been shown to  normalize and improve capillary as well as collateral blood circulation, express an  anti-inflammatory effect, produce analgesia and anesthesia through saliva, and  have an immunostimulant and immuno-modulating effect. An effort has been  undertaken in this review to examine the potentials of leech therapy in treating  Mukhdushika w.s.r to acne vulgaris.  


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How to Cite

Sharma, G. G., & Khandelwa, J. (2022). Role of Jalukaavcharana in Mukh Dushika (Acne Vulgaris) . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 160-164.