A Review on Concept of Trividha Pariksha and its Importance


  • D C Amrutha PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka Author
  • Deepak Rathee PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka. Author
  • Ananta S Desai HOD, Department of Panchakarma, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka. Author




Trividha Pariksha, Pariksha, Roga Pariksha, Rogi Pariksha


To find out the root cause of a disease in Ayurveda, there are certain examinations that  are compulsory to be conducted. In today’s clinical practice diagnosis of a disease is  very crucial. Proper examination of patient and disease is the path to successful clinical  practice. This helps to build up a doctor-patient relationship. Trividha pariksha viz.  Aptopadesha, Pratyaksha, Anumana and Darshana, Sparshana, Prashna are the two  different aspects of Trividha pariksha which helps to achieve the above-mentioned  goals. There are various methods of examination explained in our treatises but Trividha  pariksha holds the basis of all among them. They play a key role in the diagnosis of  disease. Therefore, an effort is made through this article to review the importance of  Trividha pariksha and its relevance in today’s clinical practice.  Materials And Methods: Various literature, published articles, and other documents  were studied thoroughly and a conclusion was made.  Discussion: Though we have various examination and diagnostic methodologies but  Trividha pariksha are base for all of them and still hold a great importance in diagnosis  and management of the disease.  Result: Prashana pariksha, history taking is pearl of Ayurveda and Vaidya should be  expert in this. A disease can be known only through proper combination of all these  examination methods only


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In charaka samhita vimana sthana the concept of winning the trust of patient, diagnosing the disease and giving correct treatment has been highlighted.[17] Without knowledge of Trividha pariksha, examination of a patient can’t be done and hence a proper treatment can’t be advised. So, knowledge of Trividha pariksha is mandatory for a good clinical practice. Physician should be expert in

Darshan, Saparshan and Prashana pariksha because it also has application in modern diagnostic tests. X-ray, MRI, CT scan, Endoscopy, USG are nothing but indirect Darshana pariksha with the help of modern technology. Sparshan pariksha like palpation, percussion is also practiced to diagnose the abnormalities which can’t be known through direct observation. Lastly Prashana pariksha is being most imprtant examination tool, which helps vaidya to attaining more detailed information about the Roga and Rogi Avastha. history taking is pearl of Ayurveda and Vaidya should be expert in this. A disease can be known only through proper combination of all these examination methods only. Thrividha pariksha set serves as thereference for the investigator. And also serves as the best way for assessing the patient within short time with less efforts.


Hence, from all the studies it can be stated that Trividha pariksha is a boon to us for a successful clinical practice. It gives a direction for correct diagnosis. Though modernization has been done for various diagnostic methods but Trividha pariksha will always have top most priority for the examination purpose. To become a successful Vaidya, one must have a sound knowledge of Trividha pariksha.

Acknowledgements - Nil

Conflict of interest - None

Source of finance & support - Nil


Amrutha D. C , https://orcid.org/



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How to Cite

Amrutha, D. C., Rathee, D., & Desai, A. S. (2022). A Review on Concept of Trividha Pariksha and its Importance . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 104-108. https://doi.org/10.48165/