Distinct Perspective of Uterine Prolapse with special reference to its Etiological Factor and Treatment


  • Neha Shivde MD Scholar, Dravyagunavigyan Dept. Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Hadapsar, Pune. Author
  • Sharayu Kore Head Of Department Of Dravyagunavigyan Dept. Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Hadapsar, Pune. Author




Uterine prolapse (UP), pelvic organ prolapse (POP), Yog, Kapalbhati


Uterine prolapse (UP), also known as pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and genital  prolapse, describes the descent of the uterus from its normal anatomical confines  to positions within or outside the vaginal introitus. Etiological factors for prolapse  vary from study to study but those reported consistently are increasing age, parity  and obesity. Other possible causes include smoking, chronic increase in intra abdominal pressure, estrogen deficiency; connective tissue disorders, low  socioeconomic status, ethnicity and family history. This article is a case study which represents, raised internal abdominal pressure  due to YOG activities like Kapalbhati as a causative factor of uterine prolapse and  accordingly the treatment plan. At present people are practicing Yog, Pranayam & Asana. But it is important to remember that the activities appropriate for some  women may not be suited to others depending on individual risk factors for pelvic  floor injury. In Ayurved, treatment plan changes from person to person  depending upon NIDAN PANCHAK (Diagnostics) that is 1. Etiological factors 2.  Premonitory Symptoms 3. Signs & Symptoms 4. Pacifying & Aggravating  factors 5. Individualized pathogenesis of disease. Thus, it is not sufficient to treat  such cases with disease specific treatment, but investigating etiological factor and  planning of treatment accordingly is worthwhile.  


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How to Cite

Shivde, N., & Kore, S. (2022). Distinct Perspective of Uterine Prolapse with special reference to its Etiological Factor and Treatment . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 77-81. https://doi.org/10.48165/