Kadali Pushpa Swaras Paan and Kadali Pushpa Ghrita Nasya in the Management of Asrigdara


  • Sunita PG scholar, Deptt. Of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga Govt. Ayurvedic P.G. College and Hospital Varanasi, Author
  • Anjana Saxena Reader Deptt. Of Prasuti Tantra and Stri roga Govt. Ayurvedic P.G. College and Hospital, Varanasi. Author




AUB, Asrigdara, kadalipushpaswarasa, kadalipushpaghruta, HPO axis, Antaha&bahipushpa


Menstruation is mirror of reproductive health. Regular menstrual cycles with  adequate quantity and duration of bleeding indicate good reproductive health, with  variations in these being reflected as menorrhagia, oligomenorrhoea,  dysmenorrhoea, PCOS, infertility etc. Incidence of Raktapradara is increasing day  by day due to changing life style, increasing stress etc.Data suggests that 10 to 13%  of all gynaecological outpatients are of Raktapradar (DUB).According to  Ayurvedic literature the aggravated Apanavayu withholds vitiated Rakta which is  increased in the amount. It when reaches artavavahasrotas leads to increase in the  amount of raja, (here Artavavahasrotas taken as whole female genital organs along  with functional axis i.e., H-P-O axis). Altered H-P-O axis and GnRH regulation  causes Raktapradara. So a study was done in 3 diagnosed patients of raktapradara  to evaluate the effect of kadalipushpaghrutanasya ( Ghee processed with the juice  of Banana inflorescence )along with oral kadalipushpa swarasapaana (juice of  bnana inflorescence )with dadhi, with the aim to minimize the cyclic blood loss  and to Regularize the cycle. Subjective criteria are used to assess the amount of  blood loss before and after the treatment. This therapy, helped to cure the heavy  flow during menses and regularized the cycle. 


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Shaws textbook of gynaecology 16th edition New Delhi: NewCentral Book Agency (P) Ltd; 2018




How to Cite

Sunita, & Saxena, A. (2022). Kadali Pushpa Swaras Paan and Kadali Pushpa Ghrita Nasya in the Management of Asrigdara . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 72-76. https://doi.org/10.48165/