Ayurvedic Management of Infertility due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Case Study


  • S Haripriya Final year PG scholar, Department of Prasuti thantra and Stree roga Government Ayurveda College Thiruvananthapuram Author
  • Asha Sreedhar Professor and HOD Department of Prasuti thantra and Stree roga Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram Author




Polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility, case report




Motherhood is a beautiful feeling in a woman’s life. Inability to give birth to a  baby isa very pathetic condition for a woman. Infertility is the failure to conceive  even after one or more years of regular unprotected coitus. Even though both male and female factors contributeto infertility female are little more affected.  Incidence of infertility is rising globally due to improper life styles. PCOS is a  life style disorder that is very common among women of reproductive age group.  In this case a 27 year old woman approached the OPD of Prasuthi tantra and Streeroga of Govt. Ayurveda Collage Hospital for Woman and ChildrenPoojappurawith a complaint of inability to conceive even after 5 years of  unprotected sexual life and intense desire to get pregnant. She had irregular  menstrual cycles and was diagnosed with bilateral PCOS. Based on Ayurvedic  classics the features of pushpagni jathaharini is found very similar to this  condition. The treatment adopted were to alleviate kapha and vata. The treatments were given to regularise the menstrual cycle, to produce healthy  ovum and to improve the qualities of garbhasambhava samagri. Both sodhana  as well as samana chikitsa were given. Uttaravasti as a sthanika chikitsa also  contributed much in this case. After 6 months the patient got conceived and  delivered a healthy female baby.  


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How to Cite

Haripriya , S., & Sreedhar, A. (2022). Ayurvedic Management of Infertility due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Case Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 41-46. https://doi.org/10.48165/