Ayurvedic Management of Leiomyoma in Pregnancy-Case Study


  • M Anila Assistant Professor, Department of Prasuti tantra and Streeroga Government Ayurveda College Thiruvananthapuram Author
  • P Maragathavalli PG scholar Department of Prasuti tantra and Streeroga Women and Children Ayurveda hospital Poojapura Thiruvananthapuram Author




Leiomyoma in pregnancy, Garbhashaya granthi


Uterine myomas or fibroids are the most common benign female tumours of the  reproductive organs, associated with significant effect on quality of life. The  incidence of fibroid in pregnancy ranges from 0.1% to higher rates of 12.5%. Pregnancy is the one of the important time periods among the milestone of every  woman. The care of a pregnant women from the time of conception till her  delivery is a very delicate process. WHO has put forwarded a standard protocol  for the care of pregnant woman, it’s called as Antenatal care. Any ailments  occurring during this period should be very carefully managed as it may cause  harmful effects on the growing fetus. Leiomyoma can cause pressure symptoms  based on their size and position. This can aggravate the pedal odema or varicosities  which are already a positive sign of pregnancy. Fibroid is considered as  garbhashaya granthi in Ayurveda.The main dosas involved here is vata and  kapha. In garbhini any type of sastra karma or anu sastra prayogas are contra  indicated. So, the treatment should be vatakapha hara.For this drugs having praja  sthapaka gunas should be selected. 


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How to Cite

Anila, M., & Maragathavalli, P. (2022). Ayurvedic Management of Leiomyoma in Pregnancy-Case Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(9), 47-52. https://doi.org/10.48165/