Role of Music as a Therapeutic Measure in Women’s Health


  • Anagha Sivanandan Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Prasutitatntra & Streeroga, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda(ITRA),Jamnagar. Author



Music therapy, Women’s health, Ayurveda, Indian


Background: Music is such an art form that conveys emotions and perceptions even  without using a language. The research activities focusing on the effects of art forms  on health and well-being has been evidently increasing over the past two decades.  Music therapy is a widely accepted and popular form for improving health through  arts. Studies have shown that women being more sensitive and sentimental can be  influenced more easily by music.  Materials and Methods: Review of relevant literature from modern medical science,  Ayurvedic classics, text books of Indian Musicology, previous research works, articles  published in peer reviewed journals and other genuine sources of internet.  Results: Music plays a significant role in improving the health and wellbeing of a  female both in preventive and therapeutic aspects.  Discussion: Music being the product of Akasha and Vayu Mahabhuta is capable of  controlling the bodily Vata Dosha. Ayurveda consider music as a means to tackle Pitta  Dosha mainly. Previous research works have shown the effect of Indian classical  music on gastric and allied secretions in digestive system where there is a major role  for Pitta Dosha. The coordinated activity of Hypothalamo- Pituitary- Ovarian Axis  (HPO Axis) is responsible for normal menstrual and reproductive mechanism in  females where Vata and Pitta are having the main roles. So music can play an  appreciable role in maintaining the normal functions in HPO axis. 


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How to Cite

Sivanandan , A. (2022). Role of Music as a Therapeutic Measure in Women’s Health . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(10), 124-129.