A Systematic Review on Theses Works Carried out at the Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna in Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, Himachal Pradesh from 2009 to 2021


  • Ram Deo Pandit PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India. Author
  • Ashwani Upadhyaya Professor, PG Department of Dravyaguna, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India Author
  • Chandni Gupta Lecturer, PG Department of Dravyaguna, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India Author
  • Kailash Rana PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India Author




RGGPGAC&H, PG Department of Dravyaguna, Paprola Ayurvedic College, Himachal Pradesh University, Systematic review


Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital  (RGGPGAC&H), Paprola (also known as Paprola Ayurvedic College) was  established in 1972 as a private institution. It was taken over by the government  of Himachal Pradesh in 1978, affiliating it to Himachal Pradesh University  (HPU). Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna (PGDD) at the college started  in 2009; initially intake capacity of the department was two students per year  which increased to three later. Since 2020 the intake capacity of PGDD is four  students per year. Library and personal interview methods are used for this  systematic review study. A total of 24 (5 experimental, 2 survey, 1 literary and  16 clinical) theses have been completed under the supervision of four faculties at the department. 8 theses studies are ongoing (3 clinical, 3 experimental, 1 survey  and 1 literary). All those 24 theses studies occurred between 2009-2021 the yield  significant results. The department has been continuously working hard on  various research and developmental issues of Dravyaguna to promote and  motivate Dravyaguna scholars all around. 


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www.paprolaayurved.org (Accessed on 20th Nov 2022 ) 2. Shamma , 2009, ‘A Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Study on Dhataki and to Evaluate its Effect on Sweta Pradara’, MD thesis, HPU

Dhiman. S 2009, ‘A Comparative study of Kumari Swarasa and Musabbar to analyze its effect on the basis of their different Rasa Panchak in the management of Kashtartava w.s.r. to Dysmenorrhoea’, MD thesis, HPU

Shilpa, 2010, ‘A Pharmaco-clinical study on Katuka (Picrorrhiza kooroa Royale) ex. Benth w.s.r. to) Amlapitta’, MD thesis, HPU

Hansada, L 2011, ‘A Pharmaco-Clinical Study of Padmaka (Prunus cerasoides) to evaluate its effect as Varanya w.s.r. to the Skin complexion’, MD thesis, HPU

Mohamad, A 2011, ‘A Pharmaco-Clinical study to evaluate Shveta mushali(Asparagus adescens Roxb.) as Vrishya on Seminal Parameters’, MD thesis, HPU

Sharma, R 2011, ‘A Pharmaco-Clinical study of Pippalimoola (root of Piper longum) and its effect in Anidra (Insomnia) ’, MD thesis, HPU

Bala, A 2012, ‘A Comparative Pharmaco-Clinical study of Shalmali Pushpa and Mochrasa (Bombax ceiba Linn.) as Rakta Stambhak in Rakta-pradara w.s.r. to Dubi’, MD thesis, HPU

Gupta, C 2012, ‘A Pharmaco-Clinical study to evaluate Akshotaka (Junglans Regia Linn.) as Medhya’, MD thesis, HPU

Thapa, S 2012, ‘A Pharmaco-Clinical study of Bergenia ciliate Haw. Stenb and Aerva lanata Jeus to evaluate their anti-microbial activity and Mutrvirenchaniya Karma w.s.r. to UTI’, MD thesis, HPU

Palsara, P 2013, ‘A Comparative study of Tagar (Valerinia jatamansi) to evaluate its effect on Shiroroga w.s.r. to Ardhavabhedaka’, MD thesis, HPU

Dubey, S 2013, ‘A Phyto-pharmacognostical study on two species of Daruharidra (Berberis aristata and Berberis lyceum) to assess their neuro-chemical property’, MD thesis, HPU

Yadav, H 2014, ‘Chikitsa Kalika ke Bayakhya ke samandha mein Chandrat ka Dravyaguna ke Kshetra mein Vishesha Yogadaanm’, MD thesis, HPU

Kaundel, M 2014, ‘Survey of Religio-medicinal Plants of Distt. Kangra in Himachal Pardesh’, MD thesis, HPU 15. Chandresh, R 2014, ‘A Pharmaco-Clinical study on Saral to evaluate its effect on Vipadika’, MD thesis, HPU 16. Patel, B 2015, ‘A Comparative experimental study of Mansidwaya (Selinium vaginatum C.B. Clarke and Nordostachys grandifolia D.C.) with special reference to their anti-hypertensive activity’, MD thesis, HPU 17. Sandu, K 2015, ‘To assess the activity of Snigdha guna as Brhiniya with Vidarikanda (Pueraria tuberose D.C.) in Kristha’, MD thesis, HPU

Chaubay, P 2016, ‘An Experimental & Phytopharmacognostical Study of Traymana (Gentiana kurro Royale) to evaluate its hepatprotective activity’, MD thesis, HPU

Sood, T 2016, ‘An Astro-Clinical Study of Udumbara in Sweta Pradara’, MD thesis, HPU

Deshraj, 2017, ‘An Experimental and Phytopharmacognostical study on Chirata (Swerita perpuresens) to evaluate hepatoprotective Activity’, MD thesis, HPU

Sharma, N 2017, ‘Identification of different species used as Bhumyamalaki and clinical effect of Phyllanthus fraternus Webst. in Amlapitta.’

Kapoor, R 2017, ‘Concept of Anukta & Anukta Dravyas w.s.r. to Shivlingi (B. laciniosa Linn.) ’, MD thesis, HPU 23. Bodh, R 2018, ‘Survey of Medicinal Plants of Lahaul Region in Distt. Lahaul & Spiti (Himachal Pardesh) ’, MD thesis, HPU

Lalotra, A 2019, ‘Study of Vipaka in an experimental model to evaluate the effect of KatuVipak of Kusth (Saussurea lappa) w.s.r.t. fat metabolism’, MD thesis, HPU

Mehra, D 2019, ‘Identification of different species used as Vanafsha and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Viola pilosa Blume in Kaphaj Kaas’, MD thesis, HPU

Pandit, R 2020, Experimental Study of Van-Lashun (Fritillaria royeli Hook.) to Evaluate its Anti inflammatory activity on lower respiratory system (LRS) ’, MD thesis, HPU

Ritika, 2020, ‘A Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical study on Pullas (Rhododendron arboretum Sm.) and to evaluate its effect Shweta Pradara with special reference to non-Specific Vaginal Discharge’, MD thesis, HPU

Rana, S 2020, ‘A Pharmacognostical Study on Shati (Hedychium spicatum Buch. Ham.ex. Smith) and Karchura (Curcuma zedoaria Rosc.) for its identification and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Karchura (Curcuma zedoaria Rosc.) in Tamaka Shwasa’, MD thesis, HPU

Sharma, S 2020, ‘A Pharmacognostical Study on Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa Hook. f.) for its identification and comparative study to evaluate its antihistaminic effect with reference to Kusth (Saussurea lappa Decne. C. B. Clarke.) in an experimental Model’, MD thesis, HPU

Ambika, 2021, ‘Phyto Pharmacognostical and in-vitro study of Chorak (Angelica glauca Edgew.) to evaluate its hypolipidemic and anti-oxidant activities’, MD thesis, HPU

Sharma, D 2021, ‘Survey of medicinal plants of Bharmour sub-division in Distt. Chamba (Himachal Pardesh) ’, MD thesis, HPU

Rana, K 2021, ‘Identification of different species used as Chukrika and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Rumax vasicarius Linn. in Arochak’, MD thesis, HPU

Gupta, P 2021, ‘A classical review on pratinidhi dravyas and phytopharmacognostical analysis on Langali (Gloriosa superb Linn.) and Sthauneyaka (Taxus baccata Linn.) w.s.r. to Kustha (Saussurea lappa C.B. Clarke) as their pratinidhi’, MD thesis, HPU




How to Cite

Pandit, R. D., Upadhyaya, A., Gupta, C., & Rana, K. (2022). A Systematic Review on Theses Works Carried out at the Post Graduate Department of Dravyaguna in Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, Himachal Pradesh from 2009 to 2021 . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(11), 72-80. https://doi.org/10.48165/