Clinical Evaluation of Uttar Basti and some Herbo- Mineral Compounds in Female Infertility


  • Bharti Bandil Lecturer, Panchkarma Dept., Govt. Ayurveda Mahavidhyalaya, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur Author



Bandhyatva, Uttar basti, Anuvasan, Conception


Introduction: Infertility is an emerging health problem that has profound  socioeconomic and health implication on both the individual and society. Ayurveda  explained female infertility as Vandhyatva and mentioned Garbha Sambhava Samagri (proper union of four factors like fertile period, healthy reproductive system, nutrition  and healthy ovum and sperm) and Manasika Abhitapa (psychological and emotional  factors) as chief factors responsible for conception. The efficacy of Uttar basti of  Kalyanak Ghrita with oral Garbhadharak yog with anupana of Ashwagandha  Ksheerpaka mixed with Kalyanak Ghrita has encouraging effects for the management  of primary cases of Bandhyatva. Methods: In this trial, randomly categorized the patients of primary infertility and  grouped them into A, B & C who were ineligible for fertility after the several years of  unprotected intercourses. The Group A patients were treated with Kalyanak Ghrita  Uttarbasti, 3 days alternatively in a month for consecutive three cycle. The Group B  patients were treated with Oral Garbhadharak Yoga while Group C patients were treated  with Kalyanak Ghrita Uttarbasti and Oral Garbhadharak Yoga for three months  consecutively.  Result: Total 60 patients were investigated for Bandhyatva for present study. The effect  of Uttar basti of Kalyanak Ghrita with oral yog (Garbhadharak yog with the anupana  of Ashwagandha Ksheerpaka mixed with Kalyanak Ghrita) in Group C Patients Shows  maximum relief in cervical mucus was 50.00%, Viscosity 65%, Spinnbarkeit formation  54.54%, cellularity 37.83% reduced Fern pattern on 22nd day was 48.27%, PCT 27.77%,  Leucorrhea 83.33%, Amount of blood loss 17.50%, Regularity 71.42%, Dysmenorrhea  88.88%, and improvement in follicular growth was 54.16%. Conclusion: In Group C, out of 20 patients 05 patients were conceived showing 25%  relief in primary infertility. The overall effectiveness of therapy in all studied 60 patients  of primary infertility was 15%. The statistical analysis data of the clinical research work  done on all 60 patients of infertility shows the highly significant result (p<0.001) 


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How to Cite

Bandil, B. (2022). Clinical Evaluation of Uttar Basti and some Herbo- Mineral Compounds in Female Infertility . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(11), 01-09.