Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Katphaladi Yoga on Pratishyaya w.s.r. to Allergic Rhinitis


  • Shivakumar N Budihal Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, SSRAMC Inchal, Belagavi Author
  • Bhavani V Pujar Assistant Professor, Department of Agada Tantra, SSRAMC Inchal, Belagavi Author



Pratishyaya, Allergic rhinitis, katphaladi yoga


Background & Objectives: Pratishyaya (Allergic Rhinitis) is one of the  commonest and frequently observed ailments in school going children, though  seems simple but affects the regular activities. Being the most common allergic  condition, acute Allergic Rhinitis affects people of all ages. In wealthy societies,  it is observed that 20 to 40% of children suffer from Allergic Rhinitis. Hence the  present study is intended to evaluate the efficacy of katphaladi yoga in the  treatment of Pratishyaya in pediatric practice.  Methods: A sample size of 30, diagnosed cases of Allergic Rhinitis, between the  age group of 5 to 15 years were selected from the O.P.D. of SJG Ayurveda  Medical College and hospital, camps and other referrals. Katphaladi yoga was  given to the study group in a dose of 4 to 14 masha three times a day along with  honey after food for 21 days. Detailed case Performa was prepared and  observations were recorded and graded.  Results: Results obtained after the clinical trial was analyzed statistically and all  the observations were subjected to creative discussions. The final results showed  that after 21 days of the treatment complete cure was observed in 30 patients and  showed improvement in the clinical features.  Interpretation & Conclusion: The study showed that katphaladi yoga was  found effective in relieving the symptoms of Pratishyaya in children within the  duration of 14 to 21 days. The present study has revealed the scope for  conducting more researches in the disease Pratishyaya and the drug katphaladi  yoga for its standardization.


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How to Cite

Budihal, S. N., & Pujar, B. V. (2022). Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Katphaladi Yoga on Pratishyaya w.s.r. to Allergic Rhinitis . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(11), 10-17.