Ayurvedic Approach to Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse w.s.r. to Prasramsini Yonivyapad: A Case Study


  • Monika Kumari M.S. Scholar, P.G. Department of Prasuti Tantra evam Striroga M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur (Rajasthan) Author
  • Narendra Kumar Meena Associate professor, P.G. Department of Prasuti Tantra evam Striroga M.M.M.Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur Raj. Author
  • Mahesh Dixit Principal & HOD P.G. Department of Prasuti Tantra evam Striroga M.M.M.Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur Raj. Author




Ayurveda, pelvic organ prolapse, prasramsini yonivypada, majuphal


Background: One of the 20 Yonivyapad described by Acharya Sushruta as a  condition in which any irritation to the Yoni causes it to prolapse is Prasamsini  Yonivyapad. This syndrome is linked to both primary and secondary uterine  prolapse. When dealing with the problem of genital prolapse, surgical procedures  cannot always be used or, in some situations, avoided. In such circumstances,  conservative approaches may be recommended. Ayurvedic Acharyas have  recommended numerous therapeutic approaches that have been used since  ancient times and have proven beneficial outcomes in many cases of prolapse.  Main observations: In present case study, a young female aged 38 years  consulted the Ayurvedic OPD of M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College& Hospital,  Udaipur with complaints of something coming out of vagina, lower abdominal  pain, white discharge per vagina and burning micturition suggestive of second  degree uterine prolapse confirmed by bimanual examination. It can be correlated  to prasramsini yonivypada in Ayurveda. So, we planned an ayurvedic treatment  regime with the goal of improving the symptoms of patient.  Result- The patient was treated with local Application of Majuphal churn and  Shubhra bhasm with some oral medications. Only traditional Ayurvedic medicines were used during the treatment. Patient’s condition was assessed  through improvement in symptoms. Therefore, this study was conducted to  evaluate one of the treatment regimens of pelvic organ prolapse. Conclusions: The study concluded that ayurvedic medication was significantly  effective in treating Prasramsini yonivypada (female pelvic organ prolapse).


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How to Cite

Kumari, M., Meena, N. K., & Dixit, M. (2022). Ayurvedic Approach to Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse w.s.r. to Prasramsini Yonivyapad: A Case Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(12), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.48165/