Integration of Yoga Services in Public Health Service Delivery System in UT Of Jammu And Kashmir


  • Mohan Singh Director, Directorate of Ayush, J&K/CEO J&K Medicinal Plants Board Author
  • Rakesh Kumar Raina Assistant Director, Directorate of Ayush, J&K Author
  • Arun Gupta Medical Officer Ayush, Directorate of Ayush, J&K Author
  • Manjit Kotwal Medical Officer Ayush, Directorate of Ayush, J&K Author
  • Ruhi Tabassum Medical Officer Ayush, Directorate of Ayush, J&K Author
  • Wahid Ul Hassan Technical Officer Directorate of Ayush, J&K Author



Yoga, Public health, Ayush


Global Public health organizations are promoting Yoga as a health  promotion intervention in Schools, workplaces, civil society, non governmental organizations and communities for prevention and  management of diseases including Non-communicable, life style induced  disorders, which require rational integration of Yoga services in Public  Health Service Delivery system. Directorate of Ayush J&K is providing  yoga services at community level through AHWCs. Work done reports of  Yoga Instructors and District Ayush Offices were reviewed and analyzed. A  google form based multiple choice questionnaire administered online to  Yoga instructors to assess the practice trends, challenges in effective  implementation of Yoga program of Ayush J&K. 71882 Yoga sessions have  been organized out of which more than 69235 sessions were reportedly  organized from year 2021-22 to 2022-23 highlighting the extension of Yoga  based wellness services to more than 27 lakh people across the UT of J&K  in the year 2021-22 and 2022-23. 74.3% of Yoga sessions have been  conducted from the community platforms like AHWCs, Schools,  workplaces etc. Yoga services can also be integrated with National Health  Programs like NPCDCS, Mother and child health programs and National  mental health program for wider and targeted reach for better public health  outcomes. 



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How to Cite

Singh, M., Raina, R. K., Gupta, A., Kotwal, M., Tabassum, R., & Hassan, W. U. (2023). Integration of Yoga Services in Public Health Service Delivery System in UT Of Jammu And Kashmir . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(3), 74-81.