To Evaluate the Efficacy of Kutaja Ksharasutra in the Management of Bhagandara w.s.r to Fistula-In-Ano


  • Anjana Sharma M.S Shalya Tantra, Medical Officer in GB Pant Hospital Jammu Cant. Author



Bhagandara, Fistula-in-ano, Ksharasutra, Ashtamahagada, Kutaja


Background: Bhagandara has been described as one of the eight grave  diseases by Acharya Sushruta which is difficult to cure. ‘Fistula-in-ano  is an abnormal hollow tract lined by unhealthy granulation tissue and  that connects primary opening inside the anal canal to a secondary  opening in the perianal skin.  Methods: diagnosed cases of Bhagandara of age groups of 18-70 years  of either sex are selected. Ksharasutra treatment is given for the period  of 3 months and patients will be observed up to complete healing of  fistula tract or 3 months whichever is earlier.  Observations And Results: the results of Kutaja Ksharasutra on  criteria like pain, discharge ,itching, burning sensation were found  statistically highly significant after cutting through tract. Mean U.C.T  was found 8.86 approx 9 days.  Conclusion: Kutaja Ksharasutra can be considered best because of  more acceptability, easily availability, reduction in U.C.T &better  wound healing property.


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How to Cite

Sharma, A. (2023). To Evaluate the Efficacy of Kutaja Ksharasutra in the Management of Bhagandara w.s.r to Fistula-In-Ano . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(4), 06-14.