Madhumeh w.s.r. to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-A Review.


  • Vanita Nagar PG Scholar National Institute of Ayurveda, deemed to be university, Jaipur. Author
  • Ajay Kumar Sahu Associate Professor department of Kayachikitsa, National Institute of Ayurveda deemed to be university, Jaipur. Author
  • Abhishek Upadhyay Assistant professor department of Kayachikitsa, National Institute of Ayurveda, deemed to be university, Jaipur. Author
  • Deepika Patidar PG Scholar National Institute of Ayurveda, deemed to be university, Jaipur. Author



Madhumeha, diabetes mellitus, nidana, Management, Vataja Prameha


A chronic metabolic condition with numerous etiologies, diabetes  mellitus affects people all over the world. However, the prevalence of diabetes has increased recently, which is particularly troubling in  developed countries. An estimated 537 million adults (20–79 years)  were living with diabetes worldwide in 2021, of which 14% (74.2  million) were from India, the country with the second largest number of  people with diabetes in the world. This number is projected to increase  by 68% (124.9 million) over the next 25 years. More worryingly, slightly  more than half (53.1%) of people with diabetes in India are unaware of  their condition. The main causes of diabetes mellitus in the present  period include an entirely sedentary lifestyle, eating a lot of junk food,  and weight increase. Based on the symptoms, this metabolic condition  is classified as Madhumeha in Ayurveda. It is a Vataja Prameha that develops as a result of different nidanas. As an outcome, Ayurveda  should be considered for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. 



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How to Cite

Nagar, V., Sahu, A. K., Upadhyay, A., & Patidar, D. (2024). Madhumeh w.s.r. to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 122-127.