Prathyoushadha Prayoga of Upavisha in Kriyakoumadi-A Review Article.


  • Littija Alex PG Scholar, Dept. of Agada Tantra Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan Author
  • H Chaitra Associate Professor Dept. of Agada Tantra Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan Author



Agada tantra, Kriya koumadi, Upavisha, Prathyoushadha


Introduction: Ayurveda is covered in a number of regionally written  books. One such book that is popular in Kerala is Kriya koumadi. It is  among the most well-liked and often used books in toxicology. It offers a  number of simple, workable formulae that may quickly be created and used  to cure toxic diseases. A few essential criteria, including as origin, base,  features, and potency, are used to categorize poisons. Upavisha-related  symptoms are less toxic, less severe, and often not life-threatening, and  their toxicity may be controlled with therapeutic therapies. In addition to  providing an in-depth analysis of each of the 11 Upavisha and their  treatments, Kriyakoumadi also offers a variety of simple, doable remedies  that may be used to reduce toxicity. Material and Methods: Consulted mainly from kriya Koumadi, famous  toxicology book in kerala, from a range of databases websites and  publications.  Aim: By learning about the Prathyoushadha (medicine which is used for  pacifying the poison) for the Upavisha (semipoisonous substances) aims to  raise public knowledge. Result: Upavisha classification was done and Prathyoushadha for each  upavisha has been documented Discussion and conclusion: As our forefathers, the Vishavaidyas, showed,  even with less advanced medical technology than we presently have, these  remedies may result in amazing outcomes in situations of poisoning. If the  Vishavaidyas of today spread more essential knowledge about poison  management, the human species would tremendously benefit.  Additionally, it will help throw light on the traditional regional practices  that are still observed in many parts of the world. 


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How to Cite

Alex, L., & Chaitra , H. (2024). Prathyoushadha Prayoga of Upavisha in Kriyakoumadi-A Review Article . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 90-96.