Literature Review on the Herbo Mineral Preparation Kravyada Rasa.


  • Raj K Manju Assistant professor, Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana, Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College, Palakkad, Kerala Author
  • V K Sanila Associate Professor, Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurveda college, Kannur, Kerala Author



Herbo mineral formulation, Kravyada rasa, Agni maandhya


Science of Ayurveda was introduced with the Branch of Rasasastra from  3rd century onwards. Rasasastra is a pharmaceutical branch of Indian  Systems of medicine which mainly deals with Metals, Minerals, Animal  origin products, Toxic herbs and their use in therapeutics. These rasa  dravyas are found to have instant effectiveness, minimal dose and  extensive therapeutic utility irrespective of constitutional variation. After  the development of Rasasastra, inclusion of many herbo mineral  preparations can be noticed in the Ayurveda books. Kravyada rasa is one  such formulation seen in latest books of Ayuveda with a unique blend of  herbal and mineral drugs which is fortified by subjecting to bhaavana (levigation.) in different media. Kravyada rasa is indicated in context of  Agni mandhya or Mandaagni or Ajeerna adhikara. The formulation  includes Parada, Gandhaka,Loha bhasma, Tamra bhasma,Tankana, Vida  lavana and Maricha subjected to levigation. in Jambira juice ,Panchakola  kwatha,Amlavetasa and Chanakamla. Formulation is also unique in its  preparation as Kajjali along with Tamra bhasma and Loha bhasma is  made into Parpati (thin flake like) and then subjected to repeated  levigation. after adding remaining ingredients. In this study an attempt is  made to gather information on Kravyada rasa from various classics with  insight into ingredients, dosage and mode of action, thereby enabling  further studies on Kravyada rasa; a less exploited herbomineral  formulation. 


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Shastri AD, Govinda Das. Bhaishajya Ratnavali Vol I.Reprint ed., Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan;2008.pp.673

Suresh P, Gopal Krishna Bhatt. Rasendra Sara Sangraha.1st ed. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan;2007.pp.393 5. Tripadi I, Vagbhataacharya. Rasaratnasamuccaya. Reprint ed.,Chaukhambha publications;2009.pp.192

Mookerji B, Rasa Jala Nidhi Vol IV.Trans.2nd ed. Delhi; Parimal publications;2006.pp.265

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How to Cite

Manju, R. K., & Sanila, V. K. (2024). Literature Review on the Herbo Mineral Preparation Kravyada Rasa . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 78-83.