Insomnia and its Ayurveda Management– A Critical Review.


  • Nazia Irshad PG Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, CBPACS, New Delhi Author
  • N R Singh Head of Department, Department of Kayachikitsa, CBPACS, New Delhi 3. Author
  • Jitendra Varsakiya Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, CBPACS, New Delhi Author



Anidra, Ayurveda, Insomnia, Nidra, Sleep


Sleep is one of the basic and vital necessities of the body. Sleep is a normal  biological process that provides the body (Sharir) and intellect (Mann) enough  rest. Because of this, Ayurveda emphasises the importance of sleep, referring  to it as Trayoupasthambh (Ahara-dietary habits, Nidra-sleep pattern, and  Brahrnacharya-celibacy), (three support pillars). According to the text, Dhatu  Samyata (the balance of the body constituents) depends on sleep. Particularly,  the state of one's food and sleep affects obesity and emaciation. A careful  review of the Ayurvedic medical literature reveals that increased Vata, old age,  habit, and indulgence in work are the main causes of the Anidra (sleeplessness). This condition is also a consequence of a variety of diseases,  and a number of ailments are caused and aggravated by inadequate sleep. In  Ayurvedic literature, terms for insomnia include Anidra, Nidranasha, and  Asvapna. Insomnia is a sleep disorder where people experience difficulty in  sleeping or inadequate, poor-quality sleep. They may have trouble falling  asleep, waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep,  and waking up too early in the morning. However, insufficient sleep increases  the risk of numerous lifestyle-related diseases and impairs working capacity  and concentration. Therefore the current article discusses the causes, effects,  and treatment options for insomnia from an Ayurvedic perspective. 


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How to Cite

Irshad, N., Singh, N. R., & Varsakiya, J. (2024). Insomnia and its Ayurveda Management– A Critical Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 59-69.