Management of Amavata by Langhana Therapy-A Single Case Study.


  • M N Aleena House Surgeon, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Thrissur Author
  • Ravoof P K Professor, Department of Roganidana, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Thrissur Author



Ama, Amavata, Langhana, Agni


Amavata is a common crippling and disabling disorder which affects the  functional mobility of the patient in jeopardy. Amavata has symptoms  similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis. RA has a prevalence of approximately  0.8% of the population, where women are affected 3 times more than the  men. Recent reports suggest that RA affect about 1% of world population.  Even in allopathic medicine, there is no current complete cure to RA, but  managed with mere pain killers and immune suppressing therapies, long  term use of which leads to many side effects. In Ayurvedic classic, the  general principle for the management of Amavata mentions procedures like Langhanam (Reduction) Swedanam(Sudation) (mainly Ruksha  Swedana),Deepana Aushadas (Kindling medicine)like Katu, Thikta  aushad (medicine with tiktha katu rasa), Deeepana (kindling),Virechana (purgation), Snehapana (oelation),Vast(panchakarma procedure).This  article is a review of Ayurvedic management of Amavata where only  Langhana(reduction) line of treatment for Amavata is used, It is  considered as the first line of treatment .This article is written to  emphasise the role of Langhana Upakrama in Aamavata management  without using any one of the Bhrimhana Upakramas(Nourishment  therapies).Here a case report of Amavata treated for a period of 16 days  and thereby achieving remarkable reduction in pain and swelling  with Langhana (Reduction)line of management is explained. Also, a  follow up for a period of 1 month is taken where the patient had no  recurrence of similar joint pains and swellings. 


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How to Cite

Aleena, M. N., & Ravoof P K. (2024). Management of Amavata by Langhana Therapy-A Single Case Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(5), 25-32.