Efficacy of Yoga-meditation in Managing Mental Stress of  Generation Z Pupils


  • Ramala Sarma Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Nowgong College (Autonomous), Nagaon, Assam, India. Author




Gen Z Pupils, Mental Health, Non-judgmental Awareness, Stress, Yoga-meditation


Introduction: Research on yoga meditation has shown the effectiveness of meditation in alleviating stress and  anxiety. However, its efficacy on Generation Z (Gen Z) pupils, who mostly experience mental stress, remains  unknown in many cases. As at the deep root of their stress lies their inability to look at things as they are, meditative  practice, and non-judgmental awareness, are useful for them in alleviating stress. The present study focuses on the  efficacy of meditation in managing the mental stress of Gen Z pupils. Materials and Methods: Apart from the qualitative analysis of stress and mental health from a yogic perspective  through a host of relevant literature, a quasi-experimental study was conducted at Philosophy Department, Nowgong  College (Autonomous) Institution on 92 students 18–23 years of age selected through purposive sampling as subjects  from three educational institutes of Assam, India, from October 2022 to December 2022. Participants received  meditation classes online for 90 days. Data collected through the Stress Scale questionnaires developed by Dr. M.  Singh was analyzed with statistical tools and t-tests. Results: The study showed a positive change in the stress level of the participants as a result of meditation practice.  The observed results are – t = 8.18, P = 1.646*10-12 or 0, P ˂ 0.001. Conclusions: Meditation practice is an effective way to release the mental stress of Gen Z pupils. The practice may  be recommended as a regular use for them. 


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How to Cite

Sarma , R. . (2024). Efficacy of Yoga-meditation in Managing Mental Stress of  Generation Z Pupils. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 7(1), 36-41. https://doi.org/10.48165/IRJAY.2024.70106