A Single Case Study in Management of Pakshaghat with Ayurveda


  • Reena Shivasgar Mishra Assistant professor, SMT Kamaladevi Gauridatta Mittal Punarvasu Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Vivek Chandurkar HOD of Kaychikitsa, Professor, Phd Kayachikitsa, Seth Govindji Raoji Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Solapur, Maharashtra, India. Author




Pakshaghat, Prakupita Vata, Krichhrasadhya, Reflex


In the Sharira, Vata is seen as the controller of all things. Vatavyadhi is the term for the influence of vitiated vata on the Dusyas, which permeate the whole body or a portion of it and give rise to various sorts of illness. One of the  significant illnesses that fits this description is pakshaghata, also referred to as hemiplegia. One Vataj Nanatmaja  Vyadhi who is regarded as a Mahavatavyadhi is Pakshaghata. There is a correlation between pakshaghata and  hemiplegia, a condition caused by a cerebrovascular accident or stroke. Hemiplegia, which results in both mental  and physical instability. In the world’s population, there are around 9 instances per 1000 people. A stroke is described  as an abrupt onset of vascular mechanism-related neurologic impairment. 15% are initial hemorrhages, and 85% are  ischemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 15 million stroke victims globally experience a stroke each  year, of whom 5 million die and another 5 million become permanently incapacitated. According to current scientific  theory, brain injuries that are too severe for treatment to reverse can result in lifelong neurological impairment. As a  result, the prognosis for the illness is dismal, leaving the crippled individual dependent. The current research aims to  provide baseline data for student physicians to cope with this terrible condition by identifying the etiopathogenesis,  clinical aspects, and therapy of the disease from Ayurvedic classics. 


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How to Cite

Mishra, R. S., & Chandurkar, V. (2024). A Single Case Study in Management of Pakshaghat with Ayurveda . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 7(2), 6-13. https://doi.org/10.48165/IRJAY.2024.70202