Culture and Food Security: A Review Paper


  • Ritika Kapoor Department of Commerce, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, India Author


Culture, Food Security, Hunger, Nutrition


Food is intimately connected to human civilization. This article  analyzes the extant cross-disciplinary data on how culture  affects food security. Researchers investigate how culture  influences each of the four dimensions: accessibility, choice,  usage, and stability. The amount and variety of data accessible  varies widely, as research is frequently slanted toward highincome countries. In terms of dynamics, scale, and relative  importance, cultural implications on food security still are little  known. Notwithstanding these study gaps, it is clear that culture  has an impact on how and why we obtain, process, prepare, as  well as consume food in a number of ways. Gender, family, as  well as judgement power are all essential aspects when it comes  to interacting with culture and its influence on food security.  There is still a lot of room to improve food security policy by  paying more attention to culture. 


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How to Cite

Culture and Food Security: A Review Paper . (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 8(6), 821–824. Retrieved from