Recent Business College Grads Who Are Unemployed: A Review Paper


  • Pranav Parijat Associate Professor. Department of Agri-business Management, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, India Author


Business Studies, College Graduate, Education, Employment


This paper looks at a major employment  concern among recent college graduates:  underemployment. Using a sample of 283 recent business  college graduates, the research investigates the  consequences of underemployment on people's  perceptions regarding their jobs, professions, and life in  general. It also examines how recent college graduates  cope with underemployment and how those coping  mechanisms affect their mental health. The paper closes  with suggestions for further research on underemployment  among recent graduates in terms of theory development,  research methodology, and public policy making. Indeed,  in this research on laid-off individuals, underemployment  has nearly always been defined in terms of salary  disparities between the current position and the one held  before to the layoff. "Current earnings that are at least 20%  less than earnings in the preceding job" is the most  common definition of underemployment. The  underemployment of recent college graduates is examined  in this essay, which is a topic that is frequently overlooked.  A growing number of young people are finding that  graduating from college does not guarantee a full-time job. 


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How to Cite

Recent Business College Grads Who Are Unemployed: A Review Paper . (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 8(6), 697–701. Retrieved from