Impact of Copper Slag and Waste Glass Powder Replacement for Fine Aggregate in Concrete


  • Shabnum M. Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, India Author
  • Brahamjeet Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, India Author


Copper Slag, Waste Glass Powder, Fine Aggregate


there is a lack of River sand and  

also increment of lots of restrictions on river sand mining and  its transportation. For that it becomes necessary to find an  alternative for river sand. It is beneficial to find the by product so that its cost is comparatively less and also it can  be usable. For that the Copper Slag and waste glass are the  best alternatives. By using copper slag and waste glass in  concrete we can reduce environmental pollution as well as  we can reduce the cost of concrete also. Copper slag and  waste glass can possess the physicNowadays al, chemical and  mechanical properties that can be used in concrete as a partial  replacement for fine aggregates. Copper slag and waste glass  is one of the materials that can be considered as a waste  material which could have a promising future in the  construction industry as a partial or full substitute of any two  either cement or aggregates. During the investigations the  M30 grades of concrete was prepared and examined at a fresh  and hardened stage respectively. Then different mixes were  prepared containing 0%, 7.5%, 12.5% and 17.5 % and as  partial replacement of fine aggregates with copper slag and  0%, 7.5%, 12.5% and 17.5 % as a partial replacement of fine  aggregates with crushed glass waste together in different  combinations. The properties which were examined are  workability of the different mix by slump test, compressive  strength of solidified concrete cube specimens, split tensile  strength of solidified cylinder specimens, flexural strength of  solidified beam specimens , abrasion test and acid attack as  per the IS code Form the results of compressive strength,  split tensile strength and flexural strength, the concrete  shown higher value at 12.5% replacement of fine aggregate  by using copper slag and crushed waste glass on replacement  of fine aggregate i.e. sand . We conclude that, by using  copper slag and waste glass powder as replacement for fine  aggregate in concrete increases the density of concrete.  Hence, 12.5 % replacement of copper slag is the optimum  proportion for replacing fine aggregate and helps to utilize  the waste product in turn helps to protect the environment



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How to Cite

Impact of Copper Slag and Waste Glass Powder Replacement for Fine Aggregate in Concrete . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(2), 408-413.