An Experimental Study of Smart Sub Surface Precision Irrigation System


  • Kunj Thakor Computer Science And Engineering and Technology Parul University Vadodara, Gujrat, India. Author
  • Ankit Chauhan Computer Science And Engineering and Technology Parul University Vadodara, Gujrat, India. Author


Artificial Intelligence, Irrigation System, Linear Regression, Productivity, Machine Learning


In farming, a smart subsurface accuracy  water system framework is a mix of relocated equipment  hardware and programming applications, as well as  numerous innovations. Among them, artificial intelligence  (AI) has a vital role to play. Drought is the greatest serious  threat to agricultural productivity, and its severity is  growing in most farmed regions across the globe. As a  result, the major goal of sustainable agriculture is to  increase water production. In this trial study a savvy  subsurface exactness based on water system framework is  created to accomplish higher precision. In the flow away  and flow research the water system is done dependent on  the information which can ascertain the outcome utilizing  the measurable information. The authors are utilizing AI  calculation to figure the water utilization for the harvest. It  will plan and execute deductively demonstrated, carried  out and tried on field, sharp subsurface water system  framework which is reasonable to utilize less water/battle  dry spell (even not as much as dribble/flood/sprinkler  water system), utilize less power, decrease amount  manures utilized, diminish amount of water utilized for  explicit yield and gather and break down information for  expectation of necessities and spending the executives. 


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How to Cite

An Experimental Study of Smart Sub Surface Precision Irrigation System . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management, 9(2), 324-330.