A Review on Smart Helmet


  • Kalpana Munjal Associate Professor, Department of Design, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, India Author


Accidents Prevention, Alcohol, Bikers, Smart Helmet, Sensors


Over speeding, intoxicated driving, and  reckless driving are the leading causes of mortality  among two-wheeler drivers. If emergency medical  services had received accident information and been on  the site in time, many lives might have been spared. To  address these existing problems, we are working on a  helmet that will provide the greatest answer. These are all  the main issues which motivated us to start this project.  The purpose of our research is to develop a low-cost  intelligence helmet that can detect alcohol consumption  and prevent road accidents. This intelligent helmet's main  goal is to keep the user secure. To do this, advanced  functions such as alcohol monitoring, collision detection,  position tracking, and use as a handsfree device, as well  as solar powered as well as fall identification, are  employed. In our project, wearing a helmet is required;  otherwise, the ignition switch would not turn on. If the  rider is inebriated or an accident occurs, the ignition  switch is immediately locked, and a message with their  current position is sent to their registered phone number.  It has a Bluetooth function that allows you to receive a  call while driving. 


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How to Cite

A Review on Smart Helmet. (2021). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 9(3), 99-102. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijircst/article/view/9899