Comparison of Different Plant Digestion Methods ( Di-acid & Microwave) for Phosphorus Determination Content of Potato Leaf Using Spectrometry Grown in Erzurum: Pasinler and Oltu District Agricultural Soils


  • Nesrin YILDIZ Atatürk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept Of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Erzurum, Turkey. Author
  • Tülay DİZİKISA Agrı Vocational Training School, Ibrahim Çeçen University,Agrı, Turkey Author


Digestion Extraction Methods, plant, potato, leaf


The purpose of this investigation,was to  comparison of different plant digestion methods ( Di acid & Microwave) for used to determine phosphorus  (P) content of potato leaf grown in of Pasinler and  Oltu District Agricultural Soils . Representative 74  leaf samples were collected from potato grown in  different soil locations. In order to comparison were  used two different digestion methods. Using the  microwave and di acid (HNO3 +HCLO4) digestion  technique, P contents in potato leaf were determined,  and , spectrometry was used for the determination of  P in leaf samples in Erzurum, Oltu,Pasinler, Turkey. 

The results of the statistical analyses indicated that ,  did not show any significant differences between the  two digestion systems of P nutrient . This result  indicates that these systems can be used for the  digestion of plant P content in Erzurum, Pasinler and  Oltu district agricultural soils either by using  concentrated di acid (nitric-perchloric acid) or microwave digestion methods. 


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How to Cite

Comparison of Different Plant Digestion Methods ( Di-acid & Microwave) for Phosphorus Determination Content of Potato Leaf Using Spectrometry Grown in Erzurum: Pasinler and Oltu District Agricultural Soils . (2017). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 5(6), 407–411. Retrieved from