Adopting Cloud Computing in Aviation Industry for Flight Safety
cloud computing, air traffic control (ATC), satellite communication, radar systems, FDRAbstract
Flight Data Recorder (FDR) an aircraft component mounted on board, registers and records all
different operations and conditions of aircraft during flight. Video animation and reconstruction of the flight
progress can then be visualized by investigators to show the last moments before the accident happened after
data retrieval from FDR.
There might be difficulties in some cases where it is hard to rescue FDR from accident scene, or if found, data cannot be retrieved due to exposure to extreme heat. Thus, an alternative source of data is highly crucial; therefore cloud computing technology linkage to aircraft systems in the Real Time for data network environment to maintain continuous flow of data and safety has been stressed upon.
This research examined how concerned stakeholders in the global aviation industry can improve significantly on aviation safety by linking and saving the aircraft’s data communications to cloud computing on the ground to facilitate the tracking and monitoring of aircrafts in real time, in case the aircraft crashes and loses or suffers damages on its black box component.
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