Effective Techniques to Improve Network Load Balancing for Parallel Computation Using RMI


  • Nazmin Akter Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Metropolitan University Zindabazar, Sylhet 3100, Bangladesh Author
  • Fuad Ahmed Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Metropolitan University Zindabazar, Sylhet 3100, Bangladesh Author
  • Nusrat Jahan Shanta Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Metropolitan University Zindabazar, Sylhet-3100, Bangladesh Author


Concurrency, distributed parallel computing, multiple hosts, multithreading, RMI


For Parallel Computing Java Remote  Method Invocation (RMI) provides a high  performance flexible type of procedure. In current  Java usage, RMI system is not very much efficient for  communication. In this paper we have presented  Distributed Parallel Computing using efficient  multithreading algorithm and RMI system within 8  hosts. The hosts will carry out Prime number  calculations that will also show how many prime  numbers are there in the given number (user input).  In single host this calculation will take much time &  instructions are executed one after another. We have  aimed at distributing the task among multiple hosts  where the task will execute concurrently. For  concurrency we have used multithreading. The results  also show that the proposed system’s performance  increases when we use more highly configured PC. 


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How to Cite

Effective Techniques to Improve Network Load Balancing for Parallel Computation Using RMI . (2018). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 6(6), 117-120. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijircst/article/view/13437