A Study on Farm Insurance in India


  • Nandkishor Sharma Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur Author


Coinsurance, Insurance-System, National-Agriculture-Insurance, Risk-Management.


Cultivating different societies involves  

functional dangers. Normal disasters can possibly hurt  

agrarian result. Crop protection is only a procedure that  

might be used to defend against creation chances in  

cultivating, and some readiness is expected to obscure 

any impending risks. The Indian-government has  

explored different avenues regarding and dealt with  

laying out various harvest protections projects to satisfy  

this need. The national-agricultural-insurance-corporation 

of India has been running the beginning around 2000.  

These proposals, in any case, remained on paper, and the  public authority's harvest protection strategy was not  changed. The target of this exploration study is to check  out the rise and improvement of the public farming  protection framework, as well as the fundamental  highlights and advantages of NAIS. Accordingly,  information and viable execution of the yield protection  framework might help Indian ranchers to further develop  food creation while diminishing the opportunity of  harvest disappointment. 


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How to Cite

A Study on Farm Insurance in India. (2024). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 8(1), 6–10. Retrieved from https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijircst/article/view/13346