What-To-Taste: A Food Recommendation System
Content Based approach, Information Retrieval, Collaborative Based ApproachAbstract
The Food recommendation system software is relatively new in this era, with the recommendation system that focuses on the user preferences posited. Generally we get confused about what to eat or try next, this problem is solved by our project, which recommends food according to customer’s experience, customer’s ratings on cuisine and customer’s taste.
“What-To-Taste” is a food recommendation system which can be used by the food chain industry to keep recommending their customers about the cuisine, basically whatever they have in their menu, based on their customer tastes, interests and order history. Each human has a different taste that can be verified from recommendation data at every new place and the best cuisine served is location-dependent by rating through the customer.
The Food recommendation system recommends by Food profiling, User profiling, and recommending the specific food item as per the last feedback submitted by the users.
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