A study on socio-economic profile of Bakarwals using equines as pack animals for highland pasture migration


  • NAZISH RIZWAN KIRMANI Part of MVSc Thesis. MVSc students Division of Livestock Production and Management, SKUAST-Kashmir.
  • M T BANDAY Professor, Division of Livestock Production and Management, SKUAST-Kashmir
  • M ABDULLAH Assistant Professor, MRCS&G, SKUAST-Kashmir
  • A H AKHAND Assistant Professor, Division of Veterinary Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir
  • S ADIL Assistant Professor, Division of Livestock Production and Management, SKUAST-Kashmir




Bakarwals, Equines, Pasture, Socioeconomic profile


Present study was carried out in Pahalgam and Sonmarg area of district Anatnag and Ganderbal respectively.  A total of 200 respondents were selected using grab sampling technique, from Pahalgam 80 respondents  were selected and from Sonmarg 120 respondents. An interview schedule was developed and pretested  to collect information on the socio economic aspects of Bakarwals. It was observed that majority of  Bakarwals belonged to the age group of 40-59 years, who were illiterate and maintained family size of 4-5  members. Since the respondents were pastoralists 94%of them were landless with maximum pack size of  1-6 animals. Other livestock maintained by pastoralist it was observed maximum respondents are having  upto 250 animals. Primary occupation of the respondents (95.00%) was rearing of small ruminants with  only (5.00%) having primary occupation based on agriculture. Sub occupation included providing equines  on rent either for work or yatra. A considerable number of respondents (52%) are having monthly income  of Rs 11000 -20000/. 



How to Cite

A study on socio-economic profile of Bakarwals using equines as pack animals for highland pasture migration . (2024). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 35(1-4), 23-27. https://doi.org/10.48165/