Effective dairy extension delivery system for improved farmers’ income


  • S V N RAO Corresponding author: Retd. Proffesor, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Kurmbapet, Pondicherry.




Extension Delivery, Dairy Extension, Farmers, income, Effective delivery


The extent to which the milk production enhancement programmes succeed depends up on the extent to  which the dairy husbandry services are delivered effectively to the farmers. Basically, the dairy farmers  need three types of (integrated) support: i). Extension and advisory services (EAS) to enrich the knowledge  and improve the skills of dairy farmers ii). Availability and accessibility of input service such as semen,  vaccines, medicines, equipments, instruments, feed, fodder seeds etc and iii). Delivery of technical service  by the veterinarian (Vet) or Para-Veterinarian (Para-Vet). There are many service providers but very little  focus on EAS. Ways and means to improve the effectiveness of EAS are indicated.  



How to Cite

Effective dairy extension delivery system for improved farmers’ income. (2024). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 37(1-4), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.48165/