EDITORIAL Research Ethics: The Bane of the unethical researcher.


  • Swapnali S. Kadam Professor (Additional), Department of Physiology, Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Thane




ICMR, Human subjects, trust, mutual respect, handedness, accountability


Every human research creates generalizable information which is an integral part of health  improvement & understanding of disease. It also causes some risk or inconvenience to research  participants. Codes of conduct for physicians have existed since ancient period. Declaration of Helsinki  ICMR, Human subjects’ protection; Animal care guidelines etc provide a policy for conduct of research  involving research participants in India. The Why & the How in research are vital questions. The ‘Why’  is very clear to define as improvement of public health. What matters more is the ‘How’: while  performing it is necessary to adhere to research ethics for promotion of knowledge, truth and avoidance  of errors. Research being team work, involves principles of team work such as trust, mutual respect,  even handedness, and accountability. Upholding confidentiality, data sharing policies, guidelines of  authorship, peer review policies, copyright and patenting policy promotes security of intellectual  property and gives confidence for collaborations. Ethical research outlines standard guidelines for  institutions and professionals for their behavior towards the specified goals and helps to develop the  trust of community further promoting funding.  



How to Cite

EDITORIAL Research Ethics: The Bane of the unethical researcher. (2021). Indian Journal of Applied-Basic Medical Sciences, 23(37), 9-11. https://doi.org/10.48165/ijabms.2021.233701