

  • Mudita Arora Complied by Bak.son's Deptt. of Clinical Research and Product Development Author
  • Komal Kumari Complied by Bak.son's Deptt. of Clinical Research and Product Development Author
  • Komal Kumari Complied by Bak.son's Deptt. of Clinical Research and Product Development Author
  • Sahiba Complied by Bak.son's Deptt. of Clinical Research and Product Development Author


EPIDEMIOLOGY, Gender, scalp


Psoriasis is a chronic proliferative
and inflammatory condition that
affects the skin and sometimes the
nails and joints. It occurs due to a
problem with the immune system
that results in an overgrowth of skin
cells, leading to skin changes. This
makes the skin build up into bumpy
red patches covered with white
scales. They can grow anywhere,
but most appear on the scalp,
elbows, knees, and lower back. It
can't be passed from person to
person. There are several subtypes
of psoriasis but the plaque type is
the most common and presents on
the trunk, extremities, and scalp.
People with psoriasis are more
likely to have diabetes, high blood
lipids, cardiovascular disease, and
a variety of other inflammatory and


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