Efficacy of Biochemic Medicines - A Review


  • R Valavan BHMS, MD (Hom), MBA Head – Scientific & Medical Affairs, Schwabe India Author
  • Poorva Tiwari BHMS, MD (Hom) Scientific Officer, Schwabe India Author


treatment, body, maintain


The human body is made up of cells  that collectively form the various  tissues and organs of the body. The  variation in these cells is due to the  inorganic salts in their composition,  like magnesium, iron, lime, etc.  These salts form the organism’s  main architecture and maintain  the body structure and vitality.  Dr. W. H. Schuessler developed  a new treatment that worked on  the principle of physiological and  chemical processes. He believed  in the capability of these tissue  remedies, which could cure every  curable disease and ameliorate  the most incurable ones. With this  concept he discovered a total of  twelve tissue remedies


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