A Study on Progress and Investors' Preception towards Dematerialisation of Shares


  • Sudalaimthu S Devi


Investors, Dematerialisation, Depositories


A depository is an entity, which holds securities of investors in electronic form a t the request of the investors through a registered
Depository participant. If an investor wants to utilize the service, offered by a Deposito ry, tlie investor has to open an account with the Depository through a -Depository Participant. The main object ive of a Depository is to minimize the paper work involv d with the ownership, trading and transfer of securities. The minimum net worth stipulated by SEBI for a depository is Rs. 1 00 crore. (B.B. Tandon and A. K. Vashisht)2.The two existing Depositories in India viz.


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How to Cite

Devi, S. S. . (2008). A Study on Progress and Investors’ Preception towards Dematerialisation of Shares . Gyan Management Journal, 2(2), 3-23. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/gmj/article/view/832