Productivity Analysis of Punjab Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank and its Member Banks


  • Rajni Assistant Professor, Pt. N.R.S.Govt. Col/e9e, Rohtak (Haryana)


Co-operatives, Employee productivity, Financial productivity, Ratios and Rural Development


Present study make an attempt to know the Productivity of State Cooperative Agriculturai Development Bank and its member banks in two ways i.e. employee productivity and financial productivity by using statistical tools mean, coefficient of variation on various productivity ratios. Analysis showed that human efficiency of the bank has improved during the study period. Profitability per employee in PADBs was less than that of PASCDB during the period. Financial Productivity is also improving.


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How to Cite

Rajni. (2015). Productivity Analysis of Punjab Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank and its Member Banks . Gyan Management Journal, 9(2), 61–70. Retrieved from