A Holistic Perspective of Customer Satisfaction Towards Green Banking Practices


  • Rimple Sharma Research Scholar, I. K. G. Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab
  • Rajni Sofat Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak Institute of Management & Technology, Ludhiana




banking, satisfaction, factors, customer, green


The banking sector is the financial pillar of any nation that stabilizes the economic and financial conditions of the country. In the present scenario of global pandemic covid 19, this sector has got highly developed with the usage of innovative current practices. One of these is going green which converts traditional banking into green banking that emphasizes safeguarding the environment from depletion and putting less burden on resources. The current study focuses on the satisfaction of customers by making use of various green banking products and services. It is a survey-based study in which a structured questionnaire has been used for data collection through convenience sampling. First-hand data of 300 respondents have been collected from various banks of Punjab state. For result analysis percentages and factor analysis have been used. From analysis, two factors have been found safety & security arrangement and green technology which influences the satisfaction of customer most. This study will be very helpful for the banking industry and researchers in gauging customer satisfaction towards various green banking practices.


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How to Cite

Sharma, R., & Sofat, R. . (2021). A Holistic Perspective of Customer Satisfaction Towards Green Banking Practices. Gyan Management Journal, 15(2), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.48165/gm.2021.1523