A study of the indian taxation system on cryptocurrency


  • Jyoti Arora Assistant Professor, GGDSD College, Kheri Gurna, India
  • Lakhwinder Kaur Assistant Professor, Khalsa College (Amritsar) Of Technology & Business Studies, Mohali, India




Taxation, Cryptocurrency, Crypto assets, Virtual Digital Assets


Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens that  allow people to make  payments directly to each other through an online system. Since it can  be used to buy and sell items and has the ability to store value and  increase in value, cryptocurrency is drawing the attention of a lot of  investors. As to the nature of cryptocurrency, there are different sets  of opinions as to whether it is a currency or a Commodity or Security.  The Finance Act 2022 was the first law to recognize Virtual Digital  Assets (VDAs) in India and introduced crypto taxes.  Accordingly,  the income generated from investment in cryptocurrency is subject to  tax. The present paper studies the emerging cryptocurrency market in  India and the provisions of prevailing income tax law in India related  to the taxation of cryptocurrency. 


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https://taxguru.in/income-tax/taxation-crypto-as sets-nutshell.html

Cryptocurrency Taxation Exclusive Guide for 7 Countries (regtechtimes.com)

Bitcoin gains currency in India - The Hindu This interpretation of powers vested in RBI was given by the Apex Court in the case of the Internet and Mobile Association of India v. RBI. (2020 SCC Online SC 275).

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ED officials raided two bitcoin trading firm in Ahmedabad; Available at https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/ news/economy/finance/ed-officials-raided-two bitcoin-trading-firm-inahmedabad/articleshow/ 28006859.cms?from=mdr

Bitcoin exchanges under IT radar, survey at 9 exchanges across the countryvailable at: https://www.oneindia. com/india/bitcoin-exchanges-under-it-radar-sur vey-at-9-exchanges-acrossthe-country-2601156.html

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Draft Banning of Cryptocurrency & Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2019. Available at https://www. prsindia.org/billtrack/draft-banning-cryptocurren cy-regulation-official-digital-currency-bill-2019



How to Cite

Arora, J., & Kaur, L. (2023). A study of the indian taxation system on cryptocurrency. Gyan Management Journal, 18(1), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.48165/gmj.2023.18.1.5