Darkness In William Shakespeare’s Play Macbeth


  • Surinder Sangwan Associate Professor of English, NRS Government College, Rohtak (Haryana) Author


Macbeth, Play


William Shakespeare’s reality acclaimed shocking play Macbeth lives in murkiness. This murkiness shapes a  mental space where we see enormous collaboration happening between the individual and his or her soul. We  can say that Macbeth is more a play of feeling, contemplations and arranging than of activity. Presumably the  play of human brain research is far exceptional in Hamlet however if there should arise an occurrence of  Macbeth it is forceful to the point that it frequently ends up hard to separate between the genuine and the  dream. Haziness shapes a comprehensive space where the truth breaks down and the hero begins interfacing  with his or her very own self and with different characters or occurrences of the play at different dimensions  subsequently, challenging the obstructions of reality. 


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How to Cite

Darkness In William Shakespeare’s Play Macbeth. (2018). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 7(2), 20-22. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/13177