Gandhian Influence In Indian English Novels


  • Ananya Bose Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan. Author
  • Narendra Kumar Research Supervisor, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan. Author


Gandhism, Influence, Impact, Downtrodden, Leader


Mahatma Gandhi Ji struggled for the sake of Indian liberty and advancement. He became an immense sourceof writing and influenced different disciplines and writers from different fields like philosophy, politics, history, literature, sociology, and so on. The great Indian trio- R.K. Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Raohasexplored Gandhian thoughts in their writings. Their novels follow Gandhian ideology and his principles of Non-violence, Truth, Brotherhood, Satyagraha and his views on untouchability. The present paper is anattempt to study Gandhian strain in R.K. Narayan’s Waiting for the Mahatma, Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable, and Raja Rao’s Kanthapura. “Waiting for the Mahatma” illustrate Gandhi Ji as a great leader whoisdeeply connected with the problems of common people. In Untouchable his views give hope for a good life for the ground down. And at the same time, Kanthapura shows the influence of Gandhi Ji’s struggle for IndianIndependence and its impact on the people of a small village. 


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How to Cite

Gandhian Influence In Indian English Novels. (2019). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 8(1), 20-22.