A Study On Values Of Value Education In Transformingindia


  • Archana Dwivedi Assistant Professor, Akbarpur Degree College, Akbarpur, Kanpur Dehat, UP, India. Author


Values, Education, India.


with the goal that our kids can help make our country more fair, durable, socially dependable, socially richand... 

mentally serious country. Be that as it may, these days, more accentuation is unduly laid on information basedand data arranged education which deals with just the scholarly improvement of the kid. Thusly, the other part Keywords: …. 

of their character like physical, enthusiastic, social and otherworldly are not appropriately evolvedinaccommodating the development of perspectives, propensities, values, abilities and interests amongtheunderstudies. It is here that we talk as far as value-education. 


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Agarwal, Nidhi and Jaiswal, S., (2018). “Apenance and fraternity. This will assist understudies with investigating more about each value.

Study on Job Satisfaction Among FemaleTeachers”. Globus: An International Journal of Management & IT, 9(2):1-3. Through educational program an understudy gets

Agarwal, Dr. Nidhi and Sharma, Dr. Ananta information however by and large advancement of and Tyagi, Ila (2017). “Role of Educationin

Agarwal, Nidhi and Singh, Alka, (2018). “A

a) Always agree

study on teaching major program work with

b) Sometimes agree

essential degree.” Globus Journal of Progressive Education, 8(1): 1–4.

Konwar, Sulekha and Maitra, Purabi, (2015).

c) Never agree d) Never disagree e) Sometimes disagree

“A Study on Swami Vivekananda Religious

f) Always disagree

Thoughts of Teachings and Philosophy”.

Q3. Do you agree that both teachers and students

Globus Journal of Progressive Education, 5(1):

are comfortable in values of value education?


Navdeep, (2017). “A Study of ICT in Various

b) Sometimes agree

Aspects in Quality Education”. Globus An

c) Never agree

International Journal of Management & IT,

d) Never disagree

(1): 1-4.

e) Sometimes disagree

Singh, Gajraj, (2014). “A Study on Need of the

f) Always disagree

Civilized Society with Value Dimensions”.

Q4. Do you agree that teachers can consciously

Globus Journal of Progressive Education, 4(2):

engage in value education?


a) Always agree

Verma, Dr. Sangeeta, (2018). “Role of Teacher

b) Sometimes agree

c) Never agree

Ability in Assessment of Students in the

d) Never disagree

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

e) Sometimes disagree

System”. Cosmos An International Journal of

Art & Higher Education, 7(2): 17-19.

f) Always disagree

Q5. Do you agree that teachers should get extra

Kumar, Puneet and Agarwal Nidhi, (2009).

training to become compatible while teaching

Reflections on The Impact of ICT on Teacher

values in classroom?

Education. “Paradigm Shift In Teacher

a) Always agree

Education” Vayu Education of India, New

Delhi, pp 5-11, ISBN: 978-93-80097-12-1. 9. Kumar, Puneet and Kumar Amit, (2016). “Tour Planning Mechanism in FFT”. Globus:

b) Sometimes agree c) Never agree d) Never disagree e) Sometimes disagree

An International Journal of Management & IT,

(1), ISSN:0975-721X.

f) Always disagree

Q6. Do you think that values of value educationis

Kumar, Puneet and Kumar Amit, (2016).

a need of today education systemfor transforming

“Working of Discrete Fourier Transform”.


Cosmos Journal of Engineering & Technology,




How to Cite

A Study On Values Of Value Education In Transformingindia. (2019). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 8(2), 4-11. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/13148