Need Of Computer Education In Training Of Prospective  Secondary Teachers


  • Yogendra Babu Head of the Department, H.L.M. Girls College, Jindal Nagar, Hapur, UP Author


Computer Education


Education sector is not different in any aspect. It is no longer possible to conceive of teacher education without  ICTs. We are discussing on this issue since nineties, but nothing worthy is visualized on the ground of reality.  The important task for teacher educators is to train the future teachers in ICTs. To train them in these  technologies there is an important task on the part of educational planners and policy implementers. Teacher  educators are enjoying these practices quite comfortably. We have to adopt and use all the emerging  technological innovations. At last to the ICTs in teacher training.  


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How to Cite

Need Of Computer Education In Training Of Prospective  Secondary Teachers. (2018). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 7(2), 23-25.