Valuing The Students’ Rating Of Teaching: Students’ And Teachers’ Perspectives


  • Janet R Valdez La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Student Ratings, Teachers’ Perspectives, Students’ Perspectives, Teaching


With the current synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid modalities, higher educational institutions (HEIs)  adopt the student ratings to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching. It is widely used; but, is considered a  controversial tool used in teacher evaluation. Although teacher ratings aimed at evaluating teaching and  hoped to aid the teacher in professional enhancement, they were thought to affect faculty and adjunct  performance reviews, tenure and promotion, departmental and program retention rates, and university  recruitment. The main concern of the research was to determine the perceptions of the faculty or teachers and  the students on the student ratings of teaching and how the data gathered impacted on instruction and  evaluation. It was a descriptive research that utilized a standardized instrument responded by ninety-eight  (98) college and senior high school faculty members at a private Catholic university. 


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How to Cite

Valuing The Students’ Rating Of Teaching: Students’ And Teachers’ Perspectives . (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(2), 91-96.