The Filipino Child Leadership Theory


  • Juzy Laygo Saguil Faculty of Education and Sciences (FES), Philippine Normal University Faculty, School of Arts andSciences (SAS), Philippine Women’s University & Head, Elementary Department, Philippine Pasay ChungHua Academy, Philippines. Author


Early Childhood Education, Leadership Qualities, Young Children, Kindergarten Teachers, Leadership Theory, Focus Group Discussion.


Background and Objective: Developing leadership skills in the early years remain an abstract concept inthe Philippine classroom setting. With the wide application of collaborative and cooperative learninginschool settings, it becomes increasingly important to understand the mechanisms by which children developthe skills and knowledge to work productively with others. Research ensures the possibility of thedevelopment of leadership qualities of students by creating different opportunities at schools, thus paper offers a framework on how early childhood classroom teachers could recognize child leadership. Methods and Findings: The primary aim of this paper is to share valuable literature on young Filipinochildren's emerging leadership skills. Focus Group Discussion was conducted to ten (10) private school teachers to gather initial information on teacher; perception of child leadership. Prevalent child leadershipcharacteristics that emerged are sought out by peers; responsible; empathetic; communicates well; andcollaborative. From the descriptors, the Filipino Child Leadership Theory* was created. The theory was designed to fill the gap in the literature on the importance of recognizing and enhancing leadership skills among Filipino young children. 

Conclusion: The Filipino Child Leadership Theory would be beneficial in the identification and enhancement of emerging leadership traits among young children in the classroom setting. The theory validates the teacher’ child leadership recognition and perception. 


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How to Cite

The Filipino Child Leadership Theory. (2020). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 9(2), 22-26.