Comparative Study Of Mooc Learning And Blended Learning In Teaching Learning Process


  • Richa Sharma Faculty, Integrated School of Education, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Author
  • Swati Singhal B.Ed. Student, Integrated School of Education, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. Author


MOOC Learning, Blended Learning


The purpose of this study is to find out the differences between MOOC learning and blended learning in  teaching learning process. The sample was taken from the schools. This study has been done in Ghaziabad  city. As we all know that in this present scenario schools are following MOOC learning because due to  COVID-19 schools are not running physically. So Mooc learning is the only way to communicate with the  students. MOOC is the abbreviation for Massive Open Online Course where in the following can be defined:  1) Massive: refers to mass enrollments  

2) Open: refers to open for all  

3) Online: refers to availability of course in online mode using Internet  

4) Course: refers to course/subject  

Blended learning is also known as Hybrid learning, be a learning model that includes both online and face-to face traditional learning. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) has become one of the most prominent trends  in higher education. Despite such notable features, the effectiveness has yet to be proven and the objective of  this study is to give comparison in the effectiveness of learning with MOOC and Blended Learning. 


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Chauhan, Jyoti, (2017). “An Overview of MOOC in India”. 2. Pandey, N., (2016). “Open online course providers upbeat as enrolments jump”. ucation/open-online-course-providers-upbeat as-enrolmentsjump/article8850328.ece.

Shah, D., (2016). “How has the MOOC space grown this year? Get the facts, figures, and pie charts”, /mooc-stats-2016/.




How to Cite

Comparative Study Of Mooc Learning And Blended Learning In Teaching Learning Process . (2020). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 9(2), 27-30.