A Study On Directive Principles Of State Policy  Constitution


  • Mavoori Mahanand Research Scholar, Himalayan Garhwal University, Shiv Nagar, Phokra, India. Author
  • Satyaveer Singh Research Supervisor, Himalayan Garhwal University, Shiv Nagar, Phokra, India. Author


Directive Principles, State Policy Constitution


The present paper explains about the Constitution of India gives different fundamental rights to some extent  III under which article 16 gives fairness of chance in issue of public work. There is governmental policy  regarding minorities in society programs, where there has been a background marked by racial and standing  segregation. The training is generally conspicuous in India, where it has been revered in the constitution and  regulated. 


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How to Cite

A Study On Directive Principles Of State Policy  Constitution. (2020). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 9(2), 34-36. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/13099