Prospects Of Online Mode Of Learning In Post Pandemic  Times: A Study Amongst The Students Of Silchar City In  Assam


  • D Ghose Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India. Author
  • Deepraj Chakrabarty Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India. Author


COVID 19, Online Education, Premier Colleges, Learning and Work from Home


The recent debacle that countries across the globe have witnessed during COVID 19 brought about devising  of new strategies and mode of functioning for different professions. Amongst the new mode of functioning  ‘work from home’ for IT professionals and ‘imparting online classes’ for the students have been the most  common. But along with the compulsive acceptance, there have also been sporadic views of the stakeholders  of these professions on the efficacy of the new norm of working. There cannot be a denial to the fact that the  role of digital domain of performing the job has been accentuated during the period. In a response to the  changing mindset of the people, the study was conducted to evaluate the views of the recipients of online  education on the efficacy of the same. The responses for the study were collected from the students of three  premier colleges in Silchar. The responses were collected from three groups of respondents who are currently  pursuing the final year of their study in the colleges. The groups are identified based on three different streams:  Arts, Commerce and Science. Therefore, in selecting the sample respondents, cluster random sampling was  followed. The study attempted to achieve two-fold objectives: one was to determine the variation in the  responses regarding the efficacy of online education across three different streams and the other was to  determine the variation in the responses regarding the efficacy of online education across the three different  colleges. In analyzing the responses, ANOVA was used as a statistical tool. The major finding of the study  revealed that there exist significant variations amongst the responses of students for the three different streams  and was discovered that there is a greater acceptance amongst the students of Science stream regarding online  education as compared to the other two streams. It was also discovered that there exist significant variations  amongst the responses of students across the three different colleges and among the three colleges considered,  Gurucharan College tend to have a greater acceptance towards online education. 


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How to Cite

Prospects Of Online Mode Of Learning In Post Pandemic  Times: A Study Amongst The Students Of Silchar City In  Assam. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(2), 18-24.