Effectiveness Of Online Platforms In The Education And Training Of The Tourism Students


  • Kim Hazel L. Alolod Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author
  • Klarenz Julius R. Ocampo Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author
  • Sheir Mae G. Relata Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author
  • Paolo Jay S. Santos Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author
  • Rafaella Andrea C. Villanueva Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author
  • Carl Francis T. Castro Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author
  • Fe Corazon C. Villanueva Tourism Department, College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author


Online Platforms, Education, Training, Tourism Students, Effectiveness


As the world began experiencing the unforeseen pandemic, malls, resorts, amusement parks and other  establishments, and school’s shutdown. With this sudden event, educational institutions all over the world are  turning into online learning to continue the practice of educating students as we never know when will this  pandemic ends. However, some college students whose course is skill-based, they kind it disagreeable when  it comes to training. As online learning began since last year, virtual training also arises. Students are not  allowed to do the actual training or the on-the-job training ever since the pandemic. This study sought to  provide proper analysis of the effectiveness of online platform being on-use in the education and training of  the tourism students. The respondents of this study were 3rd year and 4th year tourism students in different  state colleges and universities in Malolos, Bulacan. The research methodology was based on primary data by  using questionnaire through Google Forms. The results show that tourism students adopt the new learning  system in terms of performance, engagement and strategies. The only variable that affects them is the  concentration and the quality of teaching. 


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How to Cite

Effectiveness Of Online Platforms In The Education And Training Of The Tourism Students . (2022). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 11(1), 37-44. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/13012