Servant Leadership: Its Influence On Collaborative School Culture And Organizational Trust


  • Christopher DC. Francisco La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Servant Leadership, School Culture, Organizational Trust


Various servant leadership initiatives are validated to date, and comparative distinctions were shown between  servant leadership theory and other leadership theories. However, it appears that further research on servant  leadership's implementation within an organization is needed. The primary roles of a servant leader have yet  to be conceptualized in the literature to assist researchers and practitioners in effectively implementing servant  leadership within organizations. In the context of describing the current status of school heads and teachers  especially in the secondary schools in the Schools Division of City of Malolos, school heads are bombarded  with managerial workloads and instructional demands. Consequently, teachers are the ones taking the  responsibility especifically in preparing the Office Performance Commitment Review Form or the OPCRF of  school heads, conducting researches of the school heads, and in doing mountainuous reports, including School Based Management documents required for the school heads.


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How to Cite

Servant Leadership: Its Influence On Collaborative School Culture And Organizational Trust . (2022). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 11(1), 12-26.